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The D-Control™ Fader Module extends the hands-on control features of D-Control by adding 16 channel strips to the D-Control Main Unit.

产品型号:D-Control Fader Module



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Channel Strip
Each channel strip on the D-Control™ Fader Module has identical channel controls, including six touch-sensitive, multi-purpose rotary encoders, each with multicolor LED ring, six-character alphanumeric, multicolor LCD display, and tricolor automation indication LED. The channel strip also features multiple push-buttons, display and mode controls, and a touch-sensitive, motorized fader.

Meter Section
The 32-segment tricolor meters can display track levels, plug-in meters, and other parameters, depending on D-Control metering preferences.

Modifier Keys
Each D-Control Fader Module has four switches in the lower left corner that duplicate the functions of the Pro Tools® computer keyboard modifiers.

Easy Installation
Adding a Fader Module to an existing D-Control worksurface is easy. No complicated hardware configurations is required. The expansion kit includes extension arms to expand the D-Control worksurface.


  • 16 touch-sensitive, motorized Penny and Giles faders with +12 dB of gain above unity
  • Six touch-sensitive, multi-purpose rotary controls per channel
  • Dedicated controls for assignment and activation of inputs, outputs, inserts, and sends
  • Flexible display of pan, insert, send, plug-in, and mic preamp controls
  • Dedicated controls for all channel strip functions, including recording and input monitoring modes, mute, solo, and channel ***
  • Dedicated controls for automation mode, enable, and safe status
  • Flip Mode for transfer of parameters from rotary controls to faders
  • Custom Faders mode for flexible channel and parameter mapping
  • Patent-pending Ethernet protocol to connect host to worksurface and Fader Modules
  • Easy installation


  • D-Control Fader Module unit
  • AC power cord
  • Ethernet cable


  • Weight: 62.5 lbs / 28.35 kg
  • Size: 23.2" W x 41.8" L x 12" H (58.928 cm x 106.172 cm x 30.48 cm)
  • AC: 100 240 VAC, 50 60 Hz, 2.5 A